We’ve seen a quite few head scratchers in Mexico, but this was the biggest one so far. Not a mile up the beach from the big high rises, in the Zona Dorada, in it’s own private cove… with a pretty decent break, I might add. I found a hotel in ruins that was surely the secret laboratory of Dr Zira and Cornelius.
Although it’s off limits to the public I skillfully eluded the elite security forces with the oldest trick in the book… walking straight up the stairs from the beach. The Iguana’s scrambled for cover. I pressed on.
Of course, I knew it was a trap. Dr Zira was luring humans in from the beach because they’d run out of test subjects… but, that’s the thing about good lures… they’re hard to resist.
It’s called… or rather I should say it was called the Faro. And man is it creepy.
I moved as silently as I could… knowing that just beyond every corner, just inside every doorway, was the trap that would certainly be sprung and I’d end up caged a la Charlton Heston. Or get attacked up by the squatters who were living there… of which there was ample evidence.
Somehow I escaped.
I’ve since gotten various stories about the Faro… and not one of them included evil ape scientists… so obviously the government is involved too.
The most common explanation is that it was a high end resort as recently as 2007ish. The employees went on strike. And apparently the battle was won… but the war lost, because by the time the dispute was resolved (around 2011ish) the hotel was too run down to reopen. I’m guessing the employees didn’t see THAT coming.
And there you have it… the saga and current status of one of the prime stretches of beach in Mazland… that’s obviously a secret lab run by evil doing apes.
Whatever the true story is… the place still offers up an awesome sunset!